Hello World

> Welcome to the show
Cover Image for Hello World

Welcome to the blog. Lately I've taken a keen interest in headless Sitecore; specifically Sitecore JSS and NextJS.

Because I'm a madman, I decided to eat my own dog food and build this blog with NextJS.

The Stack

  • NextJS
  • TypeScript because I like the idea of a strongly typed web (even for blogs)
  • ts-standard because standardized code formatting is beautiful
  • MDX for composing rich blog posts in markdown and JS
  • TailwindCSS for styling
  • Code Hike for syntax highlighting and advanced code sample functionality
  • Vercel for hosting

Some Sample... Code Samples

I'm massively impressed with Code Hike so far. It's a great tool for syntax highlighting and code samples. The CEO of Vercel said it best: it looks like the future of documentation.


public class HelloWorld {
public static void Main() {
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!")


function() {
console.log('Hello World!')


<div>Hello World!</div>


body {
color: yellow;


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