Year in Review: 2022

> Full steam ahead
Cover Image for Year in Review: 2022

2022 ain't over yet and there's still more work to be done, but I'm already looking forward to 2023. I've got a lot of ideas for the next year, and I'm excited to see what I can accomplish.

Notable Achievements / Contributions / Events


I've had the honor of working / interacting with and being mentored by many outstanding individuals in the Sitecore community. In no particular order, I offer my thanks to:

  • José Neto & Ethel Crosby for their mentorship and support.
  • Naveed and Jonathan @ Interactive Strategies for their inspiring leadership and abilities.
  • Dan Cruickshank. Seeing you help others and deliver on your vision has been incredible.
  • One North. Your support has been amazing. Special thanks to Rick, Skutta, Tom, Vinu, Stephanie, Tanya, Ethel, Horner, Pershteyn, and Carron.
  • Rodrigo Peplau, Aaron Bickle, Jim Petillo, Chet Potvin, Pete Navarra, and Bala. It was great meeting all of you at Symposium.

Favorite Quotes

I collect quotes. Here are some goodies from this year:

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.

-William Arthur Ward

Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all.

-Peter Drucker

Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, add what is specifically your own.

-Bruce Lee

Goals for 2023

Here's how I'm planning to spend some of my time next year.

  • Continue to build expertise in the following technologies:
    • XP / XM 10.x
    • XM Cloud
    • Sitecore JSS
    • C#
    • React
    • NextJS
    • GraphQL
    • TypeScript
    • Svelte
    • Cloudflare
    • Blockchain
    • Machine Learning
  • Complete at least one Udemy course related to the above
  • Continue working on side projects that leverage the above
  • Compose 12 long form blog posts
  • Compose at least 12 short / medium blog posts
  • Attend Symposium 2023 and take more photos of people in the Sitecore community
  • Continue contributing on Sitecore Stack Exchange
  • Earn 2023 Sitecore Technology MVP
  • Compete in the 2023 Sitecore Hackathon
  • Earn least 1 new Sitecore certification
  • Share at least one code gist / repo on GitHub
  • Continue to research cutting edge memes

The Future is Bright

As 2022 comes to a close, many areas of the economy are now getting 🤦‍♂️ smacked with a reality check. The cost of living is increasing, fiat currency is being debased, interest rates are rising, stock markets are down, geopolitical conflict is heating up, layoffs are prevalent, cryptoheads are trying to survive another crypto winter, companies are going bankrupt, etc. When times are tough, what matters most at the economic level is utility, value, productivity, and profit.

At the same time, I'm seeing a cambrian explosion of new technologies and ideas that are making it faster and easier than ever to deliver real value. While many see doom and gloom, I see opportunity. It's an exciting time to be in tech. It's also a great time to be working with Sitecore. The work is stable, the community is thriving, and the tooling is getting GOOD. The future is bright. 🌞

Keep on truckin',


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