PSA: Version 21.0.0 of JSS CLI Currently Only Compatible With XM Cloud

> Use 20.1.3 for now
Cover Image for PSA: Version 21.0.0 of JSS CLI Currently Only Compatible With XM Cloud

If you're starting a new XM/XP 10.x project, be mindful about which version of JSS CLI you're using.

The JSS CLI devs recently released version 21.0.0. According to the JSS releases page:

Note: JSS 21 is currently compatible with XM Cloud (XMC) only. The release of Sitecore Experience Platform 10.3 will bring compatibility to SXP.

Do This

Assuming you're not working on a XMC project, use this command to install the latest compatible version 👍:

npm i -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli@20.1.3

Don't Do This

If you don't include the version, it's going to install 21.0.0 👎:

npm i -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli

If you upgrade, it's going to install 21.0.0 👎:

npm upgrade -g @sitecore-jss/sitecore-jss-cli

But when will 10.3 be released? 🤔 Should be Soon ™️...

Keep BUIDLing,


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